Sales is a vital part to any successful organisation. JR Events & Sales provides sales services to a variety of companies which can include any of the items below and more…. With our extensive sales experience and knowledge on how to conduct sales having worked in the industry on a national level, we feel we could add value to your business without you having to employ a full time member of staff.
Contact us if you require any of the following sales services:
– You are you looking for someone to assist you on developing and selling your brand/a new brand
– You need assistance in securing appointments, meetings or sponsorship aquisition
– You need someone to work on a sales project without having to employ a member of staff
– You want to develop and raise awareness of your company/business or grow your business into a different market/location
-You are not utilising your CRM system to its maximum potential and require someone to create a sales strategy to work with existing customers/data and how to grow your database. Or you require someone to manage your current data of clients into a suitable and effective CRM system for your business.
– You require someone to do some research & telesales
– You require a new website/manage and develop your existing website through working through our partner company Black Sheep Media
– Assistance in Social Media platforms